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  1. Dept/Org Center for Science & Math Educ
  2. Location THE GARY L. AND ANN T. CROCKER Map
  3. Dept Campus Mail THE GARY L. AND ANN T. CROCKER
  4. Address Center for Science & Math Educ
  5. Phone 801-585-1985
  6. Dept ID 01400
Name & Title Email Phone
Affleck, Beth
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Aguilar, Natalie
Blood Gas Technician
Allen, Ada
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Allred, Finn
UU Student - Admin/Clerical
not available
Amakom, Olile
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Amoah, Beverly
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Anderson, Bryson
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Ariyaratrangsee, Rattanont
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Bailey, Emilie
Front Desk Clerk
not available
Bailey, Sam
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Bakshi, Nehal
UU Student - Research
not available
Barlow, Bailey
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Barnette, Molly
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Bates, Alex
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Benfield, Keegan
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Benfield, Kyrene
Psychiatric Technician Advance
Bennett, Jonah
UU Student - Research
not available
Bennett, Madison
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Bennett, Madison
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Bensch, Anders
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Bitters, Zoe
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Black, Brandon
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Bohman, Lexi
not available
Borghetti, Elena
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
Boyer, Olivia
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Boyle, Thomas
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Bradley, Eve
not available
Bradley, Marshall
Sandy Campus Store Associate
not available
Brar, Navi
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Brown, Rowan
UU Student - Research
not available
Bryan, Abby
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Butler, Garrett
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Canfield, Hannah
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Cannon, Isabelle
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Cerda, Yari
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Chan, Yu-An
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Cheng, Wei-Ting
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Childs, Myah
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Cink, Kyle
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Cordner, Kaden
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Craig, Emma
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Craigle, Justus
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Craven, Emily
Emergency Medical Technician (
Dalton, Ava
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Davis, Jacob
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Davis, Nick
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Delquadro, Nick
UU Student - Research
not available
Denman, Sophia
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Deo, Erica
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Dickinson, Jessica
UU Student - Admin/Clerical
not available
Dodd, Emily
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Duong, Khanh Lam
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Duros, Jake
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Duven, Ari
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Duytschaever, Jackson
Health Care Assistant (CNA) -
Dzhioeva, Alina
UU Student - Instruction
not available
Ebira, Kai
UU Student - Computer
not available
Ebner, Kyle
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Ekblad, Tristan
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
English, Clara
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Epperson, Haley
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Evans, Seth
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Eyler, Courtney
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Farley, Gavin
UU Student - Research
not available
Fiechtner, Romeal
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Flaming, Lucy
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Flint, Tate
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Foulks, Lucy
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Fowles, David
UU Student - Research
not available
Francis, Zoe
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Friel, Ryan
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Galvao De Oliveira Alves, Amanda
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Gensler, Caitlin
Director, Education
not available
Gertino, Jordan
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
Gibson, Hayden
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Glasgow, Carina
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Gobler, Lily
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Goel, Divyam
UU Student - Other
Gonda, Tyler
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Gonzalez, Alexandra
Hrly Research Assistant
not available
Gonzalez, Ricardo
REFUGES Program Coordinator
not available
Graham, Isaac
Undergraduate Research Assista
not available
Gratrix, Annika
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Gravois, Kade
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Gray, David
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Grilli, Ayelen
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Hansen, River
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Hardisty, Shannon
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Harward, Peri
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Hawkins, Justin
Facility Manager
not available
Hilton, Evan
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Ho, Cris
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Howe, Talmage
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Hsieh, Ching-Lung
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Jacobs, Colin
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
James, Mia
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Janku, Christopher
UU Student - Research
not available
Johansen, Chase
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Johnson, Aj
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Johnson, Cal
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Johnson, Emma
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Johnson, Hannah
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Johnston, Weston
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Jones, Megan
Library Operations & Protectio
not available
Jordan, Afton
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Jorgensen, Ella
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Joseph, Andry
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Kariparduc, Hakan
Undergraduate Research Assista
not available
Katuin, Abby
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Kaur, Raja
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Kett-Eubanks, Tegan
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Khatri, Abhilasha
not available
Kim, Paul
HMHI Case Management Assistant
King, Mathew
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Kotak, Krish
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Kunko, Erika
Hrly Research Assistant
not available
Kunsch, Joseph
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Kureshi, Saarah
not available
Lachhmi, Fnu
Campus Store Health Associate
not available
Larsen, Jenna
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Later, Kirsti
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Laurent, Frances
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Lee, Hailey
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Lee, Olivia
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Lee, Sylvia
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Leggett, Natalie
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Lenci, Trent
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
Liao, Sih-An
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Linscott, Abby
not available
Long, Dakota
Hrly Research Assistant
not available
Longhurst, Kaycee
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Lopez Guevara, Marlon
Lab Aide
not available
Lopez, Alair
UU Student - Other
not available
Luerssen, Matthew
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Ly, My Dinh
not available
Massarelli, Talia
Emergency Medical Technician (
Mcgee, Madison
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Meiners, Simon
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Metwally, Nour
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Middleton, Tyler
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Molina-Sanchez, Alex
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Moore, Andrew
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Moore, Carson
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Morningstar, Sam
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Morris, Ethan
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Mota, Giovani
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Nguy, Hoc
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Nguyen, Grace
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Nguyen, Phuc Tuong Thy
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Nohara, Kento
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Noland, Tadg
Undergraduate Research Assista
not available
Ntshalintshali, Serena
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Nugent, Andrea
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Numbers, James
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Nunies, Tyson
Campus Store Associate
not available
Nystrom, Ainsley
UU Student - Admin/Clerical
not available
Obayashi, Aya
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Obrien, Kai
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Ojeiwa, Judy
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Oostema, Jody
Academic Program Manager
Orton, Corinne
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Oswald, Lillian
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Palinek, Jayci
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Parsons, Jessica
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Pattberg, Porter
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Pendleton, Nash
Health Care Assistant (CNA), S
Peralta, Sophia
UU Student - Research
not available
Peterson, Brock
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Peterson, Sierra
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Phelps, Ashton
UU Student - Research
not available
Porter, Alex
PS Eye Bank Technician
not available
Prasad, Ella
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Price, Natalie
Student Leader
not available
Priest, Payton
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Primero Diaz, Jailyn
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Rajesh, Aditi
UU Student - Research
not available
Ramirez Moreno, Samuel
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Reid, Ethan
Undergraduate Research Assista
not available
Reynolds, London
Hrly Research Assistant
not available
Rich, Alex
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Richards, Joey
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Roalstad, Mary
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Roberts, Liza
UU Student - Other
not available
Rockwood, Calvin
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Rossi, Hugo
Emeriti Faculty
Rou, Amberly
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Russell, Rachel
Hrly Research Assistant
not available
Rzepecka, Julia
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Saccomanno, Abbie
UU Student - Research
Salazar Rojas, Laura Valentina
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Salkoff, Nate
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Sanchez, Ray
GMET Sr. Associate
not available
Saxton, V
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Scott, Brianna
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Seacord, Jacobi
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
Shaheen, Mendee
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Sheneman, Mia
Hrly Research Assistant
Shrestha, Priyasna
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Sidhu, Simran
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Smith, Clara
Student Research Asst
not available
Smith, Rocky
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Snow, Carter
Hrly Research Assistant
not available
Soyombo Erdene, Niguun
Stadium Concession Staff
not available
Stanley, Bryer
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Staples, Ike
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Stevens, Cat
Desk and Mailroom Assistant
not available
Stones, Elin
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Summa, Will
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Sundar, Divya
Undergraduate Research Assista
not available
Tan, Robert
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Tanner, Jacob
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Tanner, Marcus
UU Student - Admin/Clerical
not available
Tavakoli, Milad
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Taylor, Lindsay
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Theisen, Chase
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Thomas, Alta
Special Event Employee
not available
Thompson, Galilee
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Thompson, Noah
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Thoms, Alexa
AV Technology Support Staff
Thorpe, Emryn
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Tindall, Anika
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Tran, Bella
Stadium Concession Staff
not available
Tran, Mimi
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Turner, Kyler
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Udy, Tyson
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Urry, Jack
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Utley, Cole
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Utton, James
UU Student - Other
not available
Van Der Merwe, Annette
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Van Regenmorter, Anneke
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Vanhorssen, Kendall
Manager, Administrative
not available
Vorn Kahl, Parker
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Walke, Andrea
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Waseem, Syed Muhammad Talha
not available
Wen, Feiyang
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Whitfield, Trinity
Peer Health Educator
not available
Whittaker, Hailey
UU Student - Labor
Wilding, Kennedie
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Williams, Hailey
UU Student - Other
not available
Wong, Emily
Hrly Research Assistant
not available
Wood, Aaris
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Wooton, Deborah
Undergraduate Research Assista
not available
Xiao, Eric
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Zajic, Daniela
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Zhang, Hanzhang
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Zhang, Kennedy
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available
Zou, Jiaqi
Undergrad Teaching Assistant
not available