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  1. Dept/Org Athletics Department
  2. Location JON M. HUNTSMAN CENTER Map
  3. Dept Campus Mail JON M. HUNTSMAN CENTER
  4. Address Athletics Department
  5. Phone 801-581-8171
  6. Dept ID 00327
Name & Title Email Phone
Adams, Marlena
Athletics Compliance Officer
not available
Affleck, Abby
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Aghassi, Finley
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Ahlstrom, Elisabeth
Live Production Specialist
not available
Aikin, Stephen
Athletics Assistant
not available
Akana, Kaeo
Football Camp Staff
not available
Alaimo, Ri
Football Camp Staff
not available
Alaimo, Ri
Football Camp Staff
not available
Alarcon, Landon
Swim Camp Staff
not available
Albee, Madison
Associate Dir of Business Ops
not available
Alberts, Mak
Director of Ticket Operations
not available
Aldrich, Brandy
Administrative Assistant
Alexander, Tate
UU Student - Other
not available
Ali, Hanzla
Tennis Facility Front Desk
not available
Allen, Jamie
Volleyball Director of Opts
not available
Allen, Ruthann
Head Coach, Women?s Tennis
not available
Allred, Luke
not available
Alta, Eric
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Anand, Aniket
not available
Anderson, India
Gymnastics Camp Staff
not available
Anderson, Jordan
Learning Specialist - Football
not available
Antillon, Hunter
Baseball Camp Staff
not available
Argust, Greg
Associate Coach, Athletics
Argyle, Tristan
Baseball Camp Staff
not available
Argyle, Tristan
Baseball Camp Staff
not available
Arkell, Stephen
Gymnastic Camp Staff
not available
Arnold, Teagun
FB Qualtiity Control Off
not available
Ashman, Micah
Baseball Camp Staff
not available
Asiata, Isaac
Administrator, Athletics
not available
Atuaia, Mark
Football Assistant Coach
not available
Avilez-Arkell, Gabriela
Gymnastic Camp Staff
not available
Badger, Catherine
Sr. Associate AD, Acad Serv.
not available
Baeza, Alejandro
Camp Staff
not available
Bailey, Kamry
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Bailey, Morgan
Womens Basketball Assist Coach
not available
Bailey, Tierney
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Bajema, Cole
Men's Basetball Camp Staff
not available
Baldwin, Ben
Volleyball Technical Director/
not available
Barlow, Jaxon
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Barron, Abbey
Fueling Station Assistant (WS)
not available
Barron, Bobby
Camp Staff - First Aid
not available
Barta, Joseph
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Bartley, Megan
Athletics Cashier - Weekly
not available
Bastone, Rachel
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Bates, Bo
Director of Football Equipment
not available
Bates, Ty
Football Equipment
not available
Bath, Delaney
Swim-Dive Camp Staff
not available
Bauknecht-Tucker, Lauren
Assistant Director of Football
not available
Beck, Jason
Offensive Coordinator
not available
Becker, Cole
Football Camp Staff
not available
Belarde, Aliya
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Belz, Brendan
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Benitez-Hilton, Natalia
Dir of On-Campus Recruiting
not available
Bennee, Jackson
Football Camp Staff
not available
Benson, Jori
Football Camp Staff
not available
Bernard, Micah
Football Camp Staff
not available
Berndt, Nicholas
Camp Staff
not available
Berumen, Madison
Assistant Sport Performance Co
not available
Bickmore, Sophie
FB Recruiting Intern
not available
Biggs, Ella
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Bird, Elizabeth
Counselor/Coord of Groups
not available
Birkeland, Melanie
Football Camp Staff
not available
Blaine, Zach
Dir of Broadcast Productions
not available
Blakney, Ryan
Offensive Analyst
not available
Blanchard, Mikenna
Athletics Cashier - Weekly
not available
Blanck, Alyssa
Women's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Blaylock, Brooklyn
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Blaylock, Callie
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Blechen, Robert
General Manager for Football
not available
Blum, Lilliah
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Bodily, Jackson
not available
Bodily, Karson
Athletics Assistant
not available
Bodkin, Michelle
Communications Assistant
not available
Bolerjack, Nick
Dir of Social Media & Digital
not available
Bolton, Jonathan
Athletics Event & Facility Wkr
not available
Bottari, Luke
Athletics Assistant
not available
Bouillon, Lisa
Executive Assistant to the AD
Boyce, Jessica
Assist Academic Support Spec
not available
Bradbury, Brooklyn
Volleyball preseason
not available
Bradshaw, Miranda
not available
Braswell, Carson
Athletics Event and Facility W
not available
Brateanu, Roeland
Coach, Athletics
not available
Briggs, Spencer
Assist Dir Events and Facility
not available
Brown, Alexis
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Brown, Colby
Athletics Intern - Football
not available
Brown, Isaiah
Footbal Camp Staff
not available
Brown, Michael
Assistant Coach, Baseball
not available
Brownlee, Caleb
Tennis Stringer
not available
Bruce-Burgess, Milo
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Brusatto, Justice
Football Camp Staff
not available
Bryant, Kyla
Gymnastics Camp Staff
not available
Bullock, Kelly
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Burch, Alexia
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
Burleson, Colby
Beach Volleyball Assist Coach
not available
Burnhope, Paige
Ast Dir of Hospitality & Event
not available
Bushnell, Aj
Athletics Event & Facility
not available
Butts, Brei
Associate Instructor
not available
Cabral, Gillian
Grad Student NoTB
not available
Caldarella, Luca
Football Camp Staff
not available
Calhoun, Cameron
Football Camp Staff
not available
Calkins, Hailey
Football Camp Staff
not available
Callahan, Zebulun
Assistant Athletic Trainer
not available
Callaway, Katie
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Callejas Nuvan, Chris
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Calvert, Joshua
Football Camp Staff
not available
Calvin, Lindsey
Ast Academic Support Spec
not available
Cambere, Sammy
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Cameron, Kellen
Swim Camp Staff
not available
Campanian, Brant
Tennis Facility Front Desk
not available
Campbell, Jadyn
Athletics Assistant
not available
Campbell, Riley
Track & Field/Cross Country Di
not available
Cano, Pablo
Director of Player Development
not available
Capobianco, Emily
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Caras, Megan
Dir of Olympic Sports & Equipm
not available
Carlson, Misty-Jade
Creative Director
not available
Carozo, Ashley
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Carpenter, Kaden
Baseball Camp Staff
not available
Carr, Alexander
Football/Olympic Academic Advi
not available
Carreon, Brooklyn
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Castor, Auston
Football Camp Staff
not available
Castor, Logan
Football Camp Staff
not available
Chang, Ian
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Charbonnier, Luc
Lacorsse Camp Staff
not available
Cheek, Joey
Football Camp Staff
not available
Chen, Andrew
Associate Coach, Athletics
not available
Chirafisi, Nick
Swim Camp Staff
not available
Christ, Tori
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Christensen, Campbell
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Chunn, Caitlyn
First Aid Camp Staff
not available
Clark, Andrew
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Clark, Andrew
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Clark, Annie
Athletics Cashier - Weekly
not available
Clark, Rob
Assoc Athletic Dir Development
not available
Clarkson, Tj
Baseball Camp Staff
not available
Clegg, Garrett
Coach, Athletics
not available
Clegg, Spencer
Football Camp Staff
not available
Clobes, Maddie
Football Camp Staff
not available
Coffin, Jonathan
Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Conti, Dom
Administrator, Athletics
not available
Conti, Vincent
Defensive Analyst
not available
Cook, Austin
Asst Dir of Ticket Operations
not available
Cook, Jessica
Athletic Trainer
not available
Cookus, Jacob
Football Analyst
not available
Corbett, Michael
Assistant Operations Director
not available
Corrigan, Geoffery
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
Cox, Graeme
Men's Tennis Volunteer Coach
not available
Cragun, Sydney
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Creath, Nelson
Athletics Assistant
not available
Creech, Erin
Athletics Event & Fac Wrkr
Creer, Tyler
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Creighton, Isabelle
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Crispe, Sam
Women's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Crispin, Sydney
Tennis Facility Front Desk
not available
Crnica, Rasim
Ticket Office Associate
not available
Crockett, Eli
Womens Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Crook, Adam
Director of Ticket Operations
not available
Crumpton, Zachary
Gymnastic Camp Staff
not available
Cruse, Anna
Dir Applied Health & Performan
not available
Cruz, Jesse
Fueling Station Assistant (WS)
not available
Cull, Ryann
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Cunningham, Jackson
Swim Camp Staff
not available
Curry, Chris
Athletics Assistant - Football
not available
Curtin, Meghan
Graduate Research Assist (RA)
not available
D'Errico, Alyssa
Assoc Head Coach Volleyball
not available
Dacus, Grant
Assist Dir of Creative Video
not available
Daigh, Braden
Athletics Intern - FOOTBALL
not available
Dall, Payton
Rehabilitation Aide
Daniel, Rieker
Track Volunteer Coach
not available
Davis, Ari
Assit Dir of Annual Giving
not available
Davis, Jj
Football Camp Staff
not available
Davison, Karlie
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Dawes, Keanu
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Day, Brent
Atheltics Cashier - Events
not available
Day, Byron
Athletics Cashier - Events
Day, Louise
Athletics Cashier - Events
not available
Dayton, Abigale
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Decker, Andy
Major Gifts Assistant
not available
Delgado, Mackenzie
Athletics Assistant
not available
Delisi, Matthew
Athletic Trainer
not available
Delp, Kammy
Athletics Assistant
not available
Denning, Haley
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Deter, Hailey
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Detmer, Koy
Football Analyst
not available
Dezwarte, Gracie
Athletics Assistant
not available
Dickens, Bailey
Facility Intern
not available
Dimarzo, Freddie
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Dimmitt, Matt
Director of Football Video
Diponio, Nicholas
Lacorsse Camp Staff
not available
Dockendorf, Carly
Gymnastics Head Coach
not available
Doherty, Hannah
Athletics Assistant
not available
Doonan, Nicholas
Assistant Athletic Trainer
not available
Dorny, Megan
Women's Tennis Volunteer Coach
not available
Dow, Sam
Assistant Dir of Olympic Equp
not available
Doyle, Chloe
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Doyle, Sean
Assistant Coach, Athletics
not available
Dunn, Finlay
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Dunn, Reginald
Player Experience Coordinator
not available
Durham, Ben
Football Camp Staff
not available
Durrant, Will
Athletics Assistant
not available
Dyer, Eric
Di of Big Screen Productions
not available
Dykstra, Rian
Football Camp Staff
not available
Eakins, Jadyn
Women's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Edmonds, Jacob
Football Camp Staff
not available
Eilert, Joshua
Assistant Coach, MBB
not available
Elder, Jackson
Major Gifts Assistant
not available
Elisaia, Douglass
Associate Coach, Athletics
Elisaia, Samu
Football Camp Staff
not available
Elisaia, Samu
Football Camp Staff
not available
Ellison, Cody
Athletics Assistant
not available
Elliss, Elijah
Football Camp Staff
not available
Elliss, Jonah
Football Camp Staff
not available
Elliss, Luther
Defensive Tackles Coach
not available
Elwell, Joe
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Embray, Keith
Executive Director, Student De
Erickson, Hunter
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Esayian, Jake
Football Assistant
not available
Espiau, Marley
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Estrella, Aysha
Athletics Assistant
not available
Evans, David
Assist Men's Basketball Coach
not available
Evans, Rabbit
Football Camp Staff
not available
Even, Sydney
Swm Camp Staff
not available
Farden, Thomas
Coach, Athletics
not available
Farrell, Sean
Assoc AD Sales & Devlopment
Farris, Chase
Communications Assistant
not available
Faulk, Katie
Football Camp Staff
not available
Faulkner, Cade
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Fausett, Kelsey
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Fechter, Claranne
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Fehler, Carly
Asst Sport Perform Coach, Olym
not available
Ferguson, Adam
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Fernandez, Anacelic
Crimson Club Finance Coord.
not available
Fiddler, Elias
Major Gifts Assistant
not available
Finnigan, Mary Chris
Director of Academics
Fisk, Carmin
Intern for Football Academic C
not available
Fogal, Jordan
Football Athletics Assistant
not available
Fotu, Sione
Football Camp Staff
not available
Frandsen, Taegan
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Frazier, Cameron
Assist Dir of Creative Video
not available
Freeman, Carissa
Women's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Frisby, Savannah
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Frisone, Ethan
Ast Dir Athletics Compliance
not available
Frkovich, Chris
Director of Creative Video
not available
Fry, Adam
Director of Ops- Football
Fryar, Derek
Assistant Dir of Marketing
not available
Fuder, Anna
Director of Photography
not available
Gage, Miles
Assist Director of Marketing
not available
Gallager, Jesse
Associate Coach, Athletics
not available
Gallant, Ryan
Assoc Dir of Communication
not available
Galli, Nick
Mental Performance Coordinator
Ganiere, Bella
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Ganther, Quinton
Running Back Coach Football
not available
Gantner, Elizabeth
Gymnastic Camp Staff
not available
Garcia, John
Asst. FB Athletic Trainer
not available
Gibadlo, Kamryn
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Gibbs, Erin
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Gibson, Kaija
Third Assistant Softball Coach
not available
Gillespie, Nathan
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Gilman, Alaka'I
Football Camp Staff
not available
Gilstrap, Jaylene
Gymnastics Camp Staff
not available
Glauser, Jessica
Athletic Trainer
not available
Glover, Jaylon
Football Camp Staff
not available
Glynn, Ashley
Gymnastics Camp Staff
not available
Gomez, Samuel
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Gonzalez, Matias
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Goodson, Franklin
Football Camp Staff
not available
Gormley, Payton
Admin/Clerical (Work-Study)
not available
Gough, Gavin
Assoc AD for Faclicty & Capit
Gourgel, Nuno
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Grace, Phoebe
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Graham, Aidan
Football Camp Staff
not available
Granger, Maryn
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Greco, Brian
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Greco, Jason
Sr. Assoc AD Compliance
not available
Green, Charmelle
Deputy Athletics Dir/COO
Green, Sarah
Dr Academic Elegiblity & Cert
not available
Greep, Jt
Football Camp Staff
not available
Guckert, Jeffrey
Athletics Assistant
not available
Guilliams, Todd
Assistant Coach, Baseball
not available
Gustave, Will
Athletics Cashier - Weekly
not available
Gygi, Gabe
Athletics Event and Facility W
not available
Hackworthy, Mary Kate
Gymnastic Camp Staff
not available
Haddock, Brandon
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Hadley, Joshua
Director of Football Academics
not available
Halasz, Taylor
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Hale, Brooke
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Haler, Ethan
First Aid Camp Staff
not available
Haley, Luke
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Hall, Brennan
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Hall, Olivia
Director of Special Projects
Hambrick, Myia
Gymnasitcs Assistant Coach
not available
Hammond, Grace
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Hanohano, Kaimana
Football Camp Staff
not available
Hansen, Blake
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
Hansen, Nathan
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Hansing, Alan
Exe Dir of Event & Facilities
not available
Hanson, Juliet
Tennis Facility Front Desk
not available
Hanson, Matthew
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Harding, James
Associate Coach, Athletics
not available
Hardman, Lane
Tennis Facility Front Desk
not available
Harman, Tyler
Tennis Facility Front Desk
not available
Harrison, Al
Football Camp Staff
not available
Harrison, Will
Administrator, Athletics
not available
Haslam, Tim
Lacrosse Dir of Operations
not available
Hassell, Kendra
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Haynie, Josh
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Hearther, Emma
Gymnastics Intern
not available
Heldt, Jared
Director of Major Gifts
not available
Henderson, Gary
Head Coach, Baseball
not available
Hendricks, Ashley
Football Camp Staff
not available
Hendrix, Manuel
Sr Assoc AD Alumni Engagement
Hernandez, Bella
Football Camp Staff
not available
Hernandez-Mckinney, Brandon
Athletics Assistant
not available
Hetzel, Ava
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Hickman, Denise
Associate Instructor
not available
Higgins, Krysta
Athletics Cashier - Weekly
Hillard, Zach
Assist Dir of Creative Video
not available
Hines, Jordan
First Aid Camp Staff
not available
Hodges, Abby
Assist AD Marketing & Fan Expe
not available
Hogue, Amy
Coach, Athletics
Hogue, Tessa Hogue
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Holdman, Kate
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
Holley, Eric
Gymnasitc Camp Staff
not available
Holmes, Corie Sue
Assoc Dir of Communication
not available
Hoopes, Lynde
Administrative Assistant
Hopkins, Jeremy
Tennis Facility Front Desk
not available
Horn, Hudson
Ticket Office Associate
not available
Howard, Katelyn
Softball Director Ops
not available
Howe, Lindsay
Athletic Trainer
not available
Howe, Nick
Football Camp Staff
not available
Hozdic, Madison
VB Graphic Designer Intern
not available
Huerta, Jaime
Football Camp Staff
not available
Hughes, Tricia
Administrative Assistant
not available
Hunger, Michael
Assistant Gymnsstic Coach
not available
Hunter, Courtney
Football Camp Staff
not available
Hunter, Mckay
Ashletic Cashier - Weekly
not available
Ingram, Camryn
First Aid Camp Staff
not available
Inserra, Mark
Assist Dir of Communication
not available
Iriye, Tom
Assoc AD of Athletic Training
not available
Isa, Cristal
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
Jackson, Baylie
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Jackson, Joseph
Soccer Dir. of Operations
not available
Jacobs, Carter
Athletics Cashier - Events
not available
Jacobs, Heidi
Athletics Cashier - Events
not available
Jacobs, Taylor
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Jacobson, Brianne
Athletic Trainer
not available
Jacquez, Sophie
Softball Camp Staff
not available
James, Laura
Creative Director of Marketing
not available
Jameson, Trevor
Dir of Athletic Training
not available
Jardine, Lauren
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Jauhiainen, Miki
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Jefferis, Patrick
Ast Dir of Player Personnel
not available
Jenkins, Patrick
Sr Dir Ath Training/Ath Health
not available
Jensen, Jaden
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Jensen, Josh
Athletics Event & Facility Wkr
not available
Jentz, Emma
Administrative Assistant
not available
Jentz, John
Athletics CFO, Sr Assoc AD
not available
Jester, Aaron
Sr. Director of Broadcast Oper
not available
Jimenez, Julia
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Johnson, Jenna
Women's Basektball Camp Staff
not available
Johnson, Jj
Associate Coach, Athletics
not available
Johnson, Jj
Special Asst.-MBB Head Coach
not available
Johnson, Josiah
Camp Staff
not available
Johnson, Kaieva
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Johnson, Sonia
Mental Health Counselor
Johnson, Tami
Administrator, Athletics
Johnson, Tao
Football Camp Staff
not available
Johnson, Thomas
Tennis Facility Front Desk
not available
Johnson, Zoe
Gymnastic Camp Staff
not available
Jones, Christina
Athletic Trainer
not available
Jones, Easton
Baseball Camp Staff
not available
Jones, Shelbee
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Joyce, Mary
Assistant Coach, Athletics
not available
Judkins, Jeff
Dir of Player Development
not available
Julifs, Danielle
Ast Dir Football Nutrition
not available
Kabacy, Taylor
Swim/Dive Camp Staff
not available
Kachinsky, Katelyn
Athletic Training Intern
not available
Karcher, Gibbeny
Ticket Office Associate
not available
Kaufusi, Taliana
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Kaumatule, Falcon
Football Camp Staff
not available
Keasler, Kaylee
Player Services Coordinator
not available
Kehler, Jackson
Swim Camp Staff
not available
Kelly, Justin
Baseball Camp Staff
not available
Kennedy, Chase
Football Camp Staff
not available
Kennedy, Olivia
Gymnastic Camp Staff
not available
Kepler, Kyle
Coach, Athletics
Kerns, Beau
Baseball Dir of Ops
not available
Keuffel, Elizabeth
Athletic Training Mngr for Adm
Key-Powell, Levanialii
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Killips, Ryley
Sports Turf Specialist
not available
Kingsford, Tom
Athletics Assistant
not available
Kirk, Paul
Sr Assoc AD Strategic Comm
not available
Kirschman, Lindsey
Director of Sports Performance
not available
Kloeckl, Tyler
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Kneepkens, Gianna
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Koch, Marissa
Beach Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Kopinski, Melissa
Women's Associate Head Coach
not available
Kovisto, Jennifer
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Krautgasser-Tolman, Sabine
not available
Krueger, Spencer
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Krump, Sarah
Gymnastics Camp Staff
not available
Kuder, Sophia
Athletics Assistant
not available
Kuehl, Bransen
Major Gift Assistant
not available
Kump, Jaren
Football Camp Staff
not available
Lacsamana, Chris
Head AthleticTrainer for Footb
not available
Ladanyi, Robert
Gymnastic Camp Staff
not available
Ladd, Sarah
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Lanaghen, Kim
Swim Camp Staff
not available
Landstedt, Lars
Coach, Athletics
not available
Lannon, James
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Larrea, Olivia
Assistant Olympic Equipment Ro
not available
Larsen, Ryan
WBB Assistant Coach
not available
Larson, Tyler
Administrator, Athletics
not available
Launiere, Elizabeth
Coach, Athletics
not available
Lazenby, Samantha
Athletics Event & Facility Wkr
not available
Lea'Ea, Jonah
Football Camp Staff
not available
Lear, Ashley
Dir Personal Develp & Student
Leath, Lo
Assist Men's Basketball Coach
not available
Leboeuf, Benjamin
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Lee, Jaxon
Maintenance Helper
not available
Lee, Lori
Beach Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Lee, Micah
Women's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Lee, Reese
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Lee, Trina
Athletics Academic Advisor
not available
Lemler, Emma
Swim Camp Staff
not available
Leonard, Dan
Certififed Sports Field Manger
Lewis, Austin
Laundry Attendant
not available
Lewis, Baylor
Swim/Dive Camp Staff
not available
Lewis, Brody
Assistant Coach, Athletics
not available
Li, Jerry
Athletic Training Intern
not available
Lieu, Krystal
Swim Camp Staff
not available
Linahan, Ily
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Linton, Charlee
Assistant Track & Field/Cross
not available
Lira, Alfredo
Athletics Cashier - Weekly
not available
Lockling, Cody
Director of Sports Performance
Logozzo, Gabby
Swim Camp Staff
not available
Logozzo, Gabby
Swim Camp Staff
not available
Long, Tony
Football Camp Staff
not available
Lopez, Mariah
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Lovering, Lawson
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Ludwig, Delaney
Athletics Assistant
not available
Lumsden, Cooper
Women's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Lundberg, Kendall
Softball Staff
not available
Luvai, Nandi
Men's Baseketball Camp Staff
not available
Lyman, Jack
Ticket Office Associate
not available
Lyon, Kayla
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Macedo, Jessi
Assist Academic Support Spec.
not available
Macintyre, James
not available
Madden, Bryce
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Madsen, Gabe
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Madsen, Mason
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Maea, Johnny
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
Maestretti, Hailey
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Mann, Shintaro
Football Camp Staff
not available
Marco, Isabelle
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Marschner, Richard
Associate Coach, Athletics
not available
Marshall, Faith
Fueling Station Assist WS
not available
Martinez, Courtney
Assistant Softball Coach
not available
Mata, Dominic
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Matias, Marcus
Baseball Student Manager
not available
Matsuura, Augie
Fueling Station Assistant
not available
Matthews, Landen
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Matthews, Race
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Mayfield, Jolie
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Mcadoo, Hayden
Athletics Assistant
not available
Mcallister, Siobhan
Fueling Station Assistant
not available
Mccallum, Grace
Gymnastic Camp Staff
not available
Mccarthy, Seamus
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Mcclelland, Megan
not available
Mccleve, Zac
Baseball Camp Staff
not available
Mcdermott, Tim
Lacrosse Assistant Coach
not available
Mcfarland, James
Maintenance Helper
not available
Mcfarland, Juliet
Ticket Office Associate
not available
Mcisaac, Henry
Athletics Assistant
not available
Mcjunkin, Keeler
Ast Athletics Dir Football Com
not available
Mckamey, Russell
Facilities Operations Manager
not available
Mcmackin, Jack
Tennis Facility Front Desk
not available
Mcminn, Drew
Head Lacrosse Coach
not available
Mcnamara, Luke
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Mcomber, Azure
Beach Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Mcomber, Parker Kent
Swimming Camp Staff
not available
Mcqueen, Kennady
WBB Camp Staff
not available
Mecham, Elsja
Ast Academic Spt Specialist
not available
Medivitz, Olivia
Athletics Assistant
not available
Medlock, Justin
Football Camp Staff
not available
Meikle, Daniel
Tennis Facility Front Desk
not available
Meikle, Samuel
Tennis Facility Front Desk
not available
Melendez, Leilani
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Mendez, Rio
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Merhi, Max
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Merkley, Brandee
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Merrell, Makenna
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
Meyer, Alexander
Public Relations Associate
not available
Michaels, Jonathan
Swim Camp Staff
not available
Miranda, Raci
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Moeai, Toa
Football Camp Staff
not available
Moore, Kimberlee
Atheltics Cashier - Weekly
Morales, Maleah
Athletics Assistant
not available
Morgan, Amelie
Gymnastics Camp Staff
not available
Morgan, Grace
Football Camp Staff
not available
Morgan, Mary
Athletics Assistant
not available
Morris, Alyssa
Assist AD Marketing & Fan Expe
not available
Morrissette, Samuel
Director Player Personnel
not available
Morse, Ellee
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Mortensen, Eayden
Football Camp Staff
not available
Moss, Grace
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Mueller-Martin, Ben
Camp Staff
not available
Mueller-Martin, Regina
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
Murdock, Chase
Athletics Assistant
not available
Musial, Olga
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Musuris, Emma
Tennis Facility Front Desk
not available
Nakada, Hideki
Head Soccer Coach
not available
Nawahine, Gavin
Football Camp Staff
not available
Neff, Avery
Gymnastic Camp Staff
not available
Nelsen, Kaylah
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Nelson, Jake
Football Camp Staff
not available
Nguyen, Brendan
Womens Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Nguyen, Kari
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
Nguyen, Long
Ticket Office Associate
not available
Nicotera, Trevor
Dir of Sports Turf Mangement
not available
Nielsen, Michael
Athletics Cashier - Events
not available
Nielsen, Phoenix
Ticket Office Associate
not available
Nielsen, Rhiannon
Athletics Cashier - Events
not available
Nielson, Cameron
Baseball Camp Staff
not available
Niess, Pierre
Head Nordic Coach
not available
Nowlin, Patrick
Athletics Revenue Officer
not available
O'Keefe, Maile
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
O'Toole, Connor
Football Camp Staff
not available
Oda, Dylan
Asst Dir of Football Sport Per
not available
Ofahengaue, Helaman
Football Camp Staff
not available
Ogami, Brock
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Ogden, Logan
not available
Oldroyd, Bryce
Football Brand Graphic Designe
not available
Oliver, Suzanne
Athletics Tutor
not available
Olsen, Allie
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Olsen, Andrew
Athletics Event and Facility W
not available
Oneill, Conor
Larcosse Camp Staff
not available
Ortiz, Shelbi
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Ortiz-Coronado, Billy
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Pace, Brady
Ticket Office Associate
not available
Pan, Andy
Tennis Facility Front Desk
Park, Rylan
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Parker, Alexsa
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Parker, Paige
Assistant Coach, Athletics
not available
Pascarella, Marco
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Passi, Shonty
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Paugh, Mia
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Paulson, Abby
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
Payne, Andrew
Athletic Training Intern
not available
Pena, Matthew
Dir Business Operations
not available
Pepa, Simote
Footbal Camp Staff
not available
Perkins, Jimmy
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Perkins, Jimmy
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Perry, Patrick
Baseball Camp Staff
not available
Persson, Jonas
Head Swimming and Diving Coach
not available
Peters, Darrell
Sr Development Officer
Petersen, Gp
WBB Head Coach
not available
Peterson, Annie
Athl Event & Facility Worker
not available
Peterson, Toni
Spirit Assistant
not available
Pimentil, Reuben
Athletics Assistant
not available
Pimm, Dustin
Iterrim Assistant Golf Coach
not available
Planells, Preston
Swim Camp Staff
not available
Plott, Jamie
Spirit Squad Coordinator
not available
Pollock, Jack
UU Student - Other
not available
Pollock, Rebekah
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Pond, Kyndal
Asst. Dir. of Personal Dev
not available
Poortinga, Jackie
Assistant Soccer Coach
not available
Pope, Lauren
Beach Volleyball V.C
not available
Porter, Cameron
Athletics Cashier - Weekly
not available
Poulsen, Ethan
Athletics Cashier - Events
not available
Powell, Lewis
Associate Coach, Athletics
not available
Pratt, James
Assistant Coach, Gymnastics
not available
Price, Kaylee
Athletics Academic Advisor
not available
Price, Meredith
Exec. Dir. Sports Nutrition
not available
Prince, Liz
Associate AD Sports Admin
Proctor, Kennedy
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Pulido, Giovanni
Broadcast Engineer
not available
Ramirez, Vanessa
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Randall, Adrienne
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
Ravarino, Jonathan
Director, Healthcare/Clinical
Ray, Kylie
Women's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Ray, Milan
Beach Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Reardon, Emma
Administrative Assistant
not available
Redell, Bennett
Quality Control Off
not available
Rehmer, Eli
Athletics Assistant
not available
Reid, Karene
Football Camp Staff
not available
Reilly, Delaney
Ast Athletic Dir of Compliance
not available
Rhodes, Rebecca
Track & Field Asst. Coach
not available
Rice, Kate-Lynn
Football Learning Specialist
not available
Rich, Austin
Athletics Assistant
not available
Richardson, Courtney
Graduate Research Assist (RA)
not available
Richman, William
Athletics Cashier - Weekly
not available
Riley, Bill
Director of Broadcasting
not available
Riley, Katherine
Tennis Facility Front Desk
not available
Riley, Steven
Dir of Facility Management
Ring, Treasa
Swim Camp Staff
not available
Rios, Austin
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Ritchie, Nathan
Football Camp Staff
not available
Roberts, Abby
Athletic Training Intern
not available
Roberts, Kai
Camp Staff
not available
Roberts, Macey
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
Robohm, Hunter
Asst Dir Business Operations
not available
Rodriguez, Kendall
Director of Operations & Admin
not available
Rogers, Ryan
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Rold, Sky
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Romprey, Lanie
Fueling Station Asst (WS)
not available
Ropelato, Hayley
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Rose, Brandon
Football Camp Staff
not available
Rosen, Andrew
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Rosen, Ari
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Ross, Reese
Women's Basket Camp Staff
not available
Rothfarb, Paige
Assistant Athletic Trainer
not available
Rowe, Baely
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
Rozario, Jessie
Athletic Trainer
not available
Rucker, Jaedyn
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
Rudy, Jeff
Assoc AD Administration
Sabado, Alani
Gymnastics Camp Staff
not available
Sakai, Sianni
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Salcianu, Sorin
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
Salcianu, Tammy
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
Salt, Junior
Associate Coach, Athletics
not available
Sanchez, Matthew
Assist Athletics Dir Digital
not available
Sandbeck, Ethan
UU Student - Instruction
not available
Sandberg, Marli
Swim Camp Staff
not available
Santana, Ruben
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Satoafaiga, Cyrus
Coordinator Football Academics
not available
Satuala, Emrie
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Scalley, Ford
Associate Coach, Athletics
not available
Schaefermeyer, Marc
not available
Schaefermeyer, Mason
not available
Schmehl, Owen
Womens Baksetball Camp Staff
not available
Schmidt, Abi
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Schmidt, Kennedi
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Schmidt, Tanya
Executive Secretary
Schoenstadt, Alex
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Schroeck, Brooke
Tennis Facility Front Desk
not available
Scott, Jared
Athletics Assistant
not available
Scott, Kaela
Ticket Office Associate
not available
Shah, Sharrieff
Associate Coach, Athletics
not available
Sharitt, Kelly
Asst AD of Equipment Operation
Shope, Alek
Athletics Cashier - Weekly
not available
Siaosi, Jason
Football Camp Staff
not available
Sikes, Connor
Maintenance Helper
not available
Simon, Micah
Football Assistant Coach
not available
Simpson, Triston
Spec. Asst to Head Coach
not available
Singer, Gabe
Baseball Camp Staff
not available
Smith, Brady
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Smith, Cole
Ashletic Cashier - Weekly
not available
Smith, Craig
Head Coach Men's Basketball
not available
Smith, Deivon
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Smith, Eliza
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Smith, Izzy
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Smith, Jennifer
Dir Football Dietitian
not available
Smith, Jos
Assistant Coach
not available
Smith, Katherine
Athletic Trainer
not available
Smith, Landon
MBB Dir of Ops - Athletic Admi
not available
Smith, Makenna
Gymnastic Camp Staff
not available
Smith, Ryker
Maintenance Helper
not available
Smith, Shane
Athletics Assistant
not available
Smith, Travis
Assistant Soccer Coach
not available
Snarr, Daniel
Maintenance Helper
not available
Snyder, Maddie
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Solomone-Halaeua, Liku
FB Recruiting Intern
not available
Sonzini, Joseph
Ticket Office Associate
not available
Soto, Alfred
Learning Specalist
not available
Speck, Connor
First Aid Camp Staff
not available
Speights, Tariq
Football Videographer
not available
Spencer, Zach
Football Camp Staff
not available
Sprinkel, Lacey
Director for Compliance - Elig
not available
Squires, Troy
Assistant Coach, Athletics
not available
Stanely, Jon
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Stanford, Michael Alan
Athletics Assistant
not available
Stanley, Wil
Assistant Volleyball Coach
not available
Stark, Sam
Athl Event & Facility Worker
not available
Stauber, Claire
Director of Compliance
not available
Stephens, Nas
IM Official
not available
Stevens, Carter
Director of Scouting and Video
not available
Stevens, Maisie
Tennis Facility Front Desk
not available
Stewart, Dane
Athletics Assistant
not available
Stewart, Lexi
Athletics Assistant
not available
Stowell, Theodore
Ticket Office Associate
not available
Sudbury, Grant
not available
Suguturaga, Miki
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
Sullivan, Jordan
Womens Basketball Assist Coach
not available
Summey, Michael
Men's Basketball GM
not available
Swan, Colton
LB Coach
not available
Swensen, Ali
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Tafuna, Timote
Football Camp Staff
not available
Tamayo, Michael
Men?s Basketball Creative Cont
not available
Tanner, Dallin
Lacrosse Camp Staff
not available
Tanuvasa, Keanu
Camp Staff
not available
Tarle, Candace
Softball Camp Staff
not available
Taylor, Imani
Physical Therapist
Taylor, Jordan
Assistant Coach - Swim/Dive
not available
Teat, Jayden
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Tenney, Preston
Marketing Intern
not available
Tessen, Kim
Athletics Camp Staff
not available
Tetzloff, Aly
Associate Swim Coach
not available
Thomas, Ethan
Baseball Camp Staff
not available
Thomas, Kenadee
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Thomas, Matthew
Assoc AD Marketing & Fan Exper
not available
Thompson, Chloe
Siwm Camp Staff
not available
Thompson, Gretchen
Assistant for Applied Health &
not available
Thompson, Matthew
Football Assistant
not available
Thomson, Matthew
Assist Athletic Dir - Ops
not available
Thor, Josh
Football Camp Staff
not available
Tippett, Aliou
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Tran, Julian
Women's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Treesh, Joey
Director of Video & Analytics
not available
Truax, Hannah
Utah Group Intern
not available
Trusnovec, Nick
Assist Dir Events and Facility
not available
Tumanuvao, Jt
Director of Annual Giving
not available
Ujhely, Kendall
Dir of Business Operations
not available
Ungricht, John
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Van Beurden, Sten
Associate Coach, Athletics
not available
Van Der Werff, Amelia
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Van Dyke, Harrison
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Van Dyke, Harrison
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Van Dyke, Parker
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Van Orden, Alexis
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Van Sickle, Bryson
Baseball Camp Staff
not available
Vandenberghe, Jackson
Atheltics Cashier - Weekly
not available
Vanwagoner, Gavin
Assit AD NIL & Major Gifts
not available
Vanzeben, Amanda
Assist Dir Business Operations
not available
Verhaaren, Will
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Vernaya, Irina
Gymnastics Camp Staff
not available
Vernsey, Alexandra
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Villa, Julius
Ticket Office Associate
not available
Vimahi, Aliki
Football Camp Staff
not available
Vitali, Evelyn
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Vu, John
Assoc Dir of Communications
not available
Wachhorst, Will
Recruiting Intern
not available
Waddoups, Ben
Athletics Cashier - Events
not available
Wahlin, Jake
Men's Basketball Camp Staff
not available
Walker, Brooke
Womens Basketball Camp
not available
Walls, Wesley
Academic Mentor
not available
Ward, Johnny
FB Recruiting Intern
not available
Ware, Savannah
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Watkins, Quincy
Athletics Assistant
not available
Waxman, Holly
GC Attendant
not available
Webster, Bruer
Athletics Assistant
not available
Welch, Riley
Ast Sport Performance Coach
not available
Weller, Aidan
Fueling Station Assistant (WS)
not available
Weller, Ian
Fueling Station Assistant (WS)
not available
Werner, Maddy
First Aid Camp Staff
not available
West, Ashley
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Wheeler, Kailie
Athletics Cashier - Weekly
not available
Whicker, Brenda
Coach, Athletics
not available
Whisenant, Shannon
Academic Mentor
not available
White, Hailee
Softball Camp Staff
not available
White, Mady
Dir.Gymnastics NIL Strategy
not available
Whiting, Jared
Athletics Assistant
not available
Whitted, Alvis
Wide Receivers Coach
not available
Whittingham, Fred
Associate Coach, Athletics
not available
Whittingham, Kyle
Coach, Athletics
not available
Wightman, Karly
Administrator of Men's and Wom
not available
Wilke, Matyson
Women's Baskeball Camp Staff
not available
Williams, Jenny
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Williamson, Alayna
Chief of Staff
not available
Willis, Scott
Asst. Dir. for Performance
Wilson, Douglas
Art & Branding Dir
not available
Wilson, Keith
Men's Assistant Golf Coach
not available
Winger, Camie
Gymnastic Camp Staff
not available
Wong, Cody
Volleyball Camp Staff
not available
Wood, Alexandra
Football Camp Staff
not available
Wood, Daniel
Football Camp Staff
not available
Woodbury, Grace
not available
Woodbury, Sarah
Football Camp Staff
not available
Woods, Isabella
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Wysong, Jamie
Gymnastic Camp Staff
not available
Yellico, Mason
Assistant Director of Player P
not available
Yenne, Lucia
Tennis Facility Front Desk
not available
Yokopovich, Audrey
Assist Football Athletic Train
not available
Young, Courtney
Soccer Camp Staff
not available
Young, Dasia
Athletics Intern - WBB
not available
Zirbes, Ella
Gymnastic Camp Staff
not available
Zunino, Siena
Soccer Camp Staff
not available