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Department/Organization Phone Dept ID
M.R.I. CONTINUING EDUCATION not available 91344
MAAC Program 801-581-7275 01682
Machine Shop (SOM not available 00505
Machine Shop - School of Med 801-585-6123 01313
Machine Shop Operations - SOM not available 00843
Madsen Family Clinic not available 52775
Madsen Internal MedicineClinic not available 52770
Madsen Surgery Clinic not available 52595
MAMMOGRAPHY - CAMT BUILDING 801-581-7553 91482
Managed Print Services 801-581-5013 01762
Management 801-581-5363 00043
Marching Band not available 00951
Marching Band - OLD not available 00714
Margaret Yu Lab not available 01175
Marketing not available 99007
Marketing 801-581-7714 00044
Marketing & Development 801-585-6597 02199
Marketing & Public Affairs not available 99024
Marriner S Eccles Institute 801-213-1728 02099
Marriott Hospitality 801-587-3836 02437
Marriott Library 801-581-8558 01320
Marriott Library 801-585-9521 00790
Mass Spectometry Group not available 00280
Mass Spectrometry Facility 801-581-2425 01369
Master of Business Creation 801-581-1621 02077
Master of Public Admin 801-581-6781 01458
Master of Public Policy 801-585-7834 01595
Master of Science & Tech 801-585-5630 00796
Master of Statistics 801-581-6926 00156
Master's Program (Sch Of Bus) 801-581-8615 00048
Material Science and Eng 801-587-7719 00067
Materials Science-Engineering 801-213-2927 01878
Materials Shop 801-585-7380 00380
Maternal Fetal Diagnostic Ctr not available 52742
Mathematics 801-581-6851 00124
Matheson Ctr Health Care Stds not available 00829
MBA Program 801-587-8333 01422
McCluskey Center (MCVP) 801-587-3982 02247
McDonnell Research 801-213-2422 02272
MD/PHD Program 801-585-6408 01532
Meaningful Use 801-839-0585 02122
Mechanical Engineering 801-581-6441 00068
Med Student Research Program 801-585-6408 01533
Med\Surg Nursing Service not available 00666
Medical Director not available 99905
Medical Education Division 801-581-7443 02303
Medical Ethics not available 00876
Medical Graphics & Photography 801-587-3435 01722
Medical Lab Science Division 801-581-5406 00977
Medical Media not available 00208
MEDICAL PHYSICS not available 91253
MEDICAL STAFF OFFICE not available 99021
Medical Stu Evnts & Intrst Grp 801-581-2711 02047
Medical Student Wellness Prog 801-585-1207 02046
Medical\Surgical not available 00665
Medicinal Chemistry 801-581-6808 00726
Medicinal Chemistry 801-581-7063 00279
MEDICINE & SPECIALTY CLINICS not available 52736
Medicine ICU/CCU not available 00563
Medicine Icu/Ccu not available 52313
Medicine/Surgery Unit--6 N not available 00557
Meldrum Theatre 801-585-0729 02435
Metabolic Phenotyping 801-581-2425 01485
Metabolics 801-581-2425 01363
Metallurgical Engineering 801-581-6386 00108
Metals 801-581-8531 00403
MFT&F UCUPF Playing Fields 801-581-3760 01818
MHA Program 801-581-5235 01684
Microbiology & Immunology 801-581-5406 00976
Microfilm Service not available 30227
Microfilm Service not available 00352
Middle East Center Program 801-581-6101 00094
Midwifery & Women's Health 801-581-7647 02418
Military Science not available 00140
Mines And Earth Sciences-Dean 801-581-8767 00102
Mining & Mineral Resource Inst 801-581-8283 00104
Mining Engineering 801-581-8603 00111
Minority Engineering Program 801-581-6911 00052
Miscellaneous Accounts not available 00657
Mission Based Management-HS 801-585-0944 00971
Mktg Comm & Ops Shell 801-581-6773 00339
Mktng & Communications Primary 801-581-5737 01756
Modern Dance 801-581-7327 00077
Molecular Medicine Program 801-585-0700 01337
Molecular Pharmaceutics 801-581-3715 00283
MOR AFF 31X MARGIN TRANSFER 801-587-6844 31011
MOR ANC 31A GEN BLDG SVCS 801-213-2129 31001
MOR ANC 31A Stores & Receiving 801-213-2422 31054
MOR ANC 31C PHOTOGRAPHY 801-581-5990 31118
MOR ANC 31L LAB 801-213-2422 31275
MOR CST 31A EYE CTR ADMIN 801-581-2352 31000
MOR CST 31A FM MORAN 801-581-4752 31006
MOR CST 31A MEDICAL RECORDS 801-585-7598 31002
MOR CST 31C SCHEDULING 801-581-5990 31003
MOR CST 31F BUILDING DEPR 801-585-6650 31007
MOR CST 31M Midvalley Hlth Ctr 801-213-0220 31013
MOR CST 31Z BUDGET ITEMS not available 31008
MOR CST 31Z CAP PROJ IN PROG 801-581-2185 31009
MOR CST 31Z CAPITAL ACQ not available 31005
MOR CST 31Z COMM CONTRACT ALL not available 31329
MOR CST 31Z INVESTMNT IN PLANT 801-587-6844 31903
MOR CST 31Z MEDICAID CONT ALL not available 31331
MOR CST 31Z MEDICAID PAT PMTS not available 31333
MOR CST 31Z MEDICARE CONTR ALL not available 31330
MOR CST 31Z MEDICARE PAT PMTS not available 31332
MOR CST 31Z PAT AR CLEARING not available 31334
MOR CST 31Z PAT PMT CLEARING not available 31030
MOR CST 31Z PATIENT AR not available 31327
MOR CST 31Z RETIREMENT OF DEBT 801-587-6844 31902
MOR CST 31Z SURPLUS & SALVAGE 801-587-6758 31012
MOR CST 31Z UNCOLL ACCT BD CLR not available 31339
MOR CST 31Z UNCOLL ACCTS BD not available 31336
MOR CST 31Z UNCOLL ACCTS COLL not available 31337
MOR CST 31Z UNCOLL ACCTS RECOV not available 31338
MOR CST 31Z UNEXPENDED FUNDS 801-587-6844 31900
MOR DED 31F CHARITY ADJ not available 31326
MOR DED 31F DED FROM REV not available 31325
MOR HRO EDM CC VISION not available 99094
MOR OPC 31C ANESTHESIA CRNA 801-585-6526 31004
MOR OPC 31C MV OPHTHALMOLOGY 801-213-0220 31014
MOR OPC 31C MV OPTOMETRY 801-213-5454 31625
MOR OPC 31C OLD MILL 801-581-5900 31464
MOR OPC 31C OPHTHALMOLOGY CLIN 801-581-5990 31119
MOR OPC 31C PEDS OPHTHALMOL 801-662-3969 31010
MOR OPC 31C RCKY MTN OPHTHALM 801-581-5990 31122
MOR OPC 31P PHARMACY 801-585-6522 31271
MOR OPC 31S ANESTHESIOLOGY 801-585-6526 31069
MOR OPC 31S LASER CTR 801-587-1613 31469
MOR OPC 31S SURGERY CTR 801-585-6526 31117
MOR RET 31C CONTACT LENSES 801-213-5454 31120
MOR RET 31C MORAN EYE CTR DELI 801-581-2935 31015
MOR RET 31C MV CONTACT LEN 801-213-5454 31220
MOR RET 31C MV OPTICAL SUPPORT 801-213-5454 31624
MOR RET 31P RETAIL PHARMACY 801-581-2352 31272
MORAN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR not available 99017
Moran Eye Center not available 52511
Moran Eye Center not available 00596
MORAN FINANCE not available 99056
MORAN LASER CENTER 801-585-6526 91469
MORAN OPERATIONS not available 99036
MORAN PHOTOGRAPHY 801-581-5990 91118
MORAN REGISTRATION 801-585-3730 91470
MORAN VISION CENTER, OLD MILL 801-581-5990 91464
Mountain Resort Clinic not available 99086
MRED Program 801-581-5588 01686
MRH CST 45Z Uncoll Accts Bd 801-587-6667 45336
MRH CST 45Z Uncoll Prov 801-587-6667 45335
MS Intl Affairs & Global Ent 801-585-7834 01596
MSF Program 801-581-5588 01685
MSIS Program 801-581-8428 01683
MTN RESORT FAMILY PRACTICE not available 88099
MTN RESORT OTHROPEDICS not available 88091
MTN RESORT RADIOLOGY not available 88258
Mtv Flat Panel Displays not available 00814
MU/Advancing Care Information 801-213-3801 01656
Multi-Disciplinary Design 801-581-8254 01138
Multimed Educ & Tech not available 00811
Murray Off-Campus Site 801-266-5341 00190
Muse My U Signature Experience 801-587-3177 01551
Mutation Generation & Detect 801-581-2425 01500