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Department/Organization Phone Dept ID
M.R.I. CONTINUING EDUCATION not available 91344
MAAC Program 801-581-7275 01682
Machine Shop (SOM not available 00505
Machine Shop - School of Med 801-585-6123 01313
Machine Shop Operations - SOM not available 00843
Madsen Family Clinic not available 52775
Madsen Internal MedicineClinic not available 52770
Madsen Surgery Clinic not available 52595
MAMMOGRAPHY - CAMT BUILDING 801-581-7553 91482
Managed Print Services 801-581-5013 01762
Management 801-581-5363 00043
Marching Band not available 00951
Marching Band - OLD not available 00714
Margaret Yu Lab not available 01175
Marketing not available 99007
Marketing 801-581-7714 00044
Marketing & Communications 801-581-6773 00339
Marketing & Development 801-585-6597 02199
Marketing & Public Affairs not available 99024
Marriner S Eccles Institute 801-213-1728 02099
Marriott Hospitality 801-587-3836 02437
Marriott Library 801-581-8558 01320
Marriott Library 801-585-9521 00790
Mass Spectometry Group not available 00280
Mass Spectrometry Facility 801-581-2425 01369
Master of Business Creation 801-581-1621 02077
Master of Public Admin 801-581-6781 01458
Master of Public Policy 801-585-7834 01595
Master of Science & Tech 801-585-5630 00796
Master of Statistics 801-581-6926 00156
Master's Program (Sch Of Bus) 801-581-8615 00048
Material Science and Eng 801-587-7719 00067
Materials Science-Engineering 801-213-2927 01878
Materials Shop 801-585-7380 00380
Maternal Fetal Diagnostic Ctr not available 52742
Mathematics 801-581-6851 00124
Matheson Ctr Health Care Stds not available 00829
MBA Program 801-587-8333 01422
McCluskey Center (MCVP) 801-587-3982 02247
McDonnell Research 801-213-2422 02272
MD/PHD Program 801-585-6408 01532
Meaningful Use 801-839-0585 02122
Mechanical Engineering 801-581-6441 00068
Med Student Research Program 801-585-6408 01533
Med\Surg Nursing Service not available 00666
Medical Director not available 99905
Medical Education Division 801-581-7443 02303
Medical Ethics not available 00876
Medical Graphics & Photography 801-587-3435 01722
Medical Lab Science Division 801-581-5406 00977
Medical Media not available 00208
MEDICAL PHYSICS not available 91253
MEDICAL STAFF OFFICE not available 99021
Medical Stu Evnts & Intrst Grp 801-581-2711 02047
Medical Student Wellness Prog 801-585-1207 02046
Medical\Surgical not available 00665
Medicinal Chemistry 801-581-6808 00726
Medicinal Chemistry 801-581-7063 00279
MEDICINE & SPECIALTY CLINICS not available 52736
Medicine ICU/CCU not available 00563
Medicine Icu/Ccu not available 52313
Medicine/Surgery Unit--6 N not available 00557
Meldrum Theatre 801-585-0729 02435
Metabolic Phenotyping 801-581-2425 01485
Metabolics 801-581-2425 01363
Metallurgical Engineering 801-581-6386 00108
Metals 801-581-8531 00403
MFT&F UCUPF Playing Fields 801-581-3760 01818
MHA Program 801-581-5235 01684
Microbiology & Immunology 801-581-5406 00976
Microfilm Service not available 30227
Microfilm Service not available 00352
Middle East Center Program 801-581-6101 00094
Midwifery & Women's Health 801-581-7647 02418
Military Science not available 00140
Mines And Earth Sciences-Dean 801-581-8767 00102
Mining & Mineral Resource Inst 801-581-8283 00104
Mining Engineering 801-581-8603 00111
Miscellaneous Accounts not available 00657
Mission Based Management-HS 801-585-0944 00971
Mktng & Communications Primary 801-581-5737 01756
Modern Dance 801-581-7327 00077
Molecular Medicine Program 801-585-0700 01337
Molecular Pharmaceutics 801-581-3715 00283
MOR AFF 31X MARGIN TRANSFER 801-587-6844 31011
MOR ANC 31A GEN BLDG SVCS 801-213-2129 31001
MOR ANC 31A Stores & Receiving 801-213-2422 31054
MOR ANC 31C PHOTOGRAPHY 801-581-5990 31118
MOR ANC 31L LAB 801-213-2422 31275
MOR CST 31A EYE CTR ADMIN 801-581-2352 31000
MOR CST 31A FM MORAN 801-581-4752 31006
MOR CST 31A MEDICAL RECORDS 801-585-7598 31002
MOR CST 31C SCHEDULING 801-581-5990 31003
MOR CST 31F BUILDING DEPR 801-585-6650 31007
MOR CST 31M Midvalley Hlth Ctr 801-213-0220 31013
MOR CST 31Z BUDGET ITEMS not available 31008
MOR CST 31Z CAP PROJ IN PROG 801-581-2185 31009
MOR CST 31Z CAPITAL ACQ not available 31005
MOR CST 31Z COMM CONTRACT ALL 801-587-6667 31329
MOR CST 31Z INVESTMNT IN PLANT 801-587-6844 31903
MOR CST 31Z MEDICAID CONT ALL 801-587-6667 31331
MOR CST 31Z MEDICAID PAT PMTS 801-587-6667 31333
MOR CST 31Z MEDICARE CONTR ALL 801-587-6667 31330
MOR CST 31Z MEDICARE PAT PMTS 801-587-6667 31332
MOR CST 31Z PAT AR CLEARING not available 31334
MOR CST 31Z PAT PMT CLEARING 801-587-6667 31030
MOR CST 31Z PATIENT AR 801-587-6667 31327
MOR CST 31Z RETIREMENT OF DEBT 801-587-6844 31902
MOR CST 31Z SURPLUS & SALVAGE 801-587-6667 31012
MOR CST 31Z UNCOLL ACCT BD CLR 801-587-6667 31339
MOR CST 31Z UNCOLL ACCTS BD 801-587-6667 31336
MOR CST 31Z UNCOLL ACCTS COLL 801-587-6667 31337
MOR CST 31Z UNCOLL ACCTS RECOV 801-587-6667 31338
MOR CST 31Z UNEXPENDED FUNDS 801-587-6844 31900
MOR DED 31F CHARITY ADJ not available 31326
MOR DED 31F DED FROM REV 801-587-6667 31325
MOR HRO EDM CC VISION not available 99094
MOR OPC 31C ANESTHESIA CRNA 801-585-6526 31004
MOR OPC 31C MV OPHTHALMOLOGY 801-213-0220 31014
MOR OPC 31C MV OPTOMETRY 801-213-5454 31625
MOR OPC 31C OLD MILL 801-581-5900 31464
MOR OPC 31C OPHTHALMOLOGY CLIN 801-581-5990 31119
MOR OPC 31C PEDS OPHTHALMOL 801-662-3969 31010
MOR OPC 31C RCKY MTN OPHTHALM 801-581-5990 31122
MOR OPC 31P PHARMACY 801-585-6522 31271
MOR OPC 31S ANESTHESIOLOGY 801-585-6526 31069
MOR OPC 31S LASER CTR 801-587-1613 31469
MOR OPC 31S SURGERY CTR 801-585-6526 31117
MOR RET 31C CONTACT LENSES 801-213-5454 31120
MOR RET 31C MORAN EYE CTR DELI 801-581-2935 31015
MOR RET 31C MV CONTACT LEN 801-213-5454 31220
MOR RET 31C MV OPTICAL SUPPORT 801-213-5454 31624
MOR RET 31P RETAIL PHARMACY 801-581-2352 31272
MORAN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR not available 99017
Moran Eye Center not available 52511
Moran Eye Center not available 00596
MORAN FINANCE not available 99056
MORAN LASER CENTER 801-585-6526 91469
MORAN OPERATIONS not available 99036
MORAN PHOTOGRAPHY 801-581-5990 91118
MORAN REGISTRATION 801-585-3730 91470
MORAN VISION CENTER, OLD MILL 801-581-5990 91464
Mountain Resort Clinic not available 99086
MRED Program 801-581-5588 01686
MRH CST 45Z Uncoll Accts Bd 801-587-6667 45336
MRH CST 45Z Uncoll Prov 801-587-6667 45335
MS Intl Affairs & Global Ent 801-585-7834 01596
MSF Program 801-581-5588 01685
MSIS Program 801-581-8428 01683
MTN RESORT FAMILY PRACTICE not available 88099
MTN RESORT OTHROPEDICS not available 88091
MTN RESORT RADIOLOGY not available 88258
Mtv Flat Panel Displays not available 00814
MU/Advancing Care Information 801-213-3801 01656
Multi-Disciplinary Design 801-581-8254 01138
Multimed Educ & Tech not available 00811
Murray Off-Campus Site 801-266-5341 00190
Muse My U Signature Experience 801-587-3177 01551
Mutation Generation & Detect 801-581-2425 01500