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Department/Organization Phone Dept ID
N/A 801-585-0434 91605
NADEEM MOGHAL LAB not available 01163
Nano Institute 801-587-1505 01335
Nat'l Ctr for Veterans Studies 801-213-2927 01911
National Children's Study 801-587-7373 01120
Native Excellence & Tribal Eng 801-581-5673 02339
Natural History Museum of Utah 801-581-6927 00018
Naval Science not available 00141
Nbicu not available 52301
Neonatal Nurse Pract not available 52329
Neonatal Nurse Practitioners not available 00579
Nephrology 801-581-6709 00237
Nephrology Administration not available 00875
Network Support Serv-Stdnt Sys not available 00711
Neuro Critical Care not available 52308
Neuro-Oph Research 801-585-2352 01866
Neurobehavior Clinical Prgm 801-585-5515 00942
Neurobiology 801-581-5494 01373
Neurobiology Admin 801-581-4984 01370
Neurobiology Research 801-581-3653 00219
Neurocritical Care 801-585-7575 01943
Neuroimmunology 801-585-7575 01940
Neurological Critical Care Unt not available 00558
Neurology 801-585-7575 00244
Neurology 801-585-1839 01307
Neurology Administration 801-585-7575 02185
Neurology Clinic not available 52750
Neurology Translational Rsch 801-585-7575 01939
Neuromuscular 801-581-2978 01518
Neuromuscular 801-581-2978 01520
Neuropsychology 801-585-7575 02097
Neuroscience Program 801-581-4820 01479
Neuroscience/3 North not available 52328
Neurosciences Administration 801-581-3163 52242
Neurosciences Center 801-581-3163 01325
Neurosurgery 801-581-6908 00268
Neurosurgery Clinic not available 52752
Neurosurgery-PCMC not available 00921
Neurosurgery-Physiology not available 00922
Neurosurgery-UUMC not available 00923
Newborn ICU (NBICU) not available 00551
Nexus 801-581-8620 02005
NHMU Audience & Visitor Engage 801-581-6927 02420
NHMU Collection Care & Sci Res 801-581-7229 02419
NHMU Exhibitions 801-581-6927 02421
NHMU Program - Public Audience 801-581-6927 02423
NHMU Programs for School 801-581-6927 02422
NIEHS Hazmat Center 801-587-3333 02011
NMR Facility 801-581-2425 01357
NMR-Facility Gauss Haus 801-581-7236 01294
No longer active 801-222-1222 00522
no longer in use not available 00549
Non U of U Organization not available 80000
Non-Employee Benefits Only 801-581-2169 01144
Non-Matriculating 801-581-5787 02017
Non-Tradition Student Assoc not available 00322
Not used 801-587-8730 02412
not used by hospital 8 31 10 not available 61428
Noudoost Research 801-587-8220 01907
Novel 801-581-5241 01837
NRH 45A ANC Clinical Labs 801-581-5692 45275
NRH ANC 45A Clinical NCS 801-581-2203 45011
NRH ANC 45A EDUCATION SERVICES 801-587-3378 45034
NRH ANC 45A Fluoro Suite 801-213-3783 45024
NRH ANC 45A Neuro Prost 801-581-7985 45027
NRH ANC 45A Patient NCS 801-581-2203 45008
NRH ANC 45A Respiratory 801-585-6790 45028
NRH ANC 45A Therapy 801-587-3378 45023
NRH CST 45A Access Office 801-581-3639 45001
NRH CST 45A Case Managment 801-587-3538 45002
NRH CST 45A Disaster Prep Org 801-585-2308 45032
NRH CST 45A Evs Support 801-581-2200 45004
NRH CST 45A FM NRH 801-213-6618 45007
NRH CST 45A Nursing Admin 801-581-6706 45016
NRH CST 45Z Capital Acq 801-587-8475 45039
NRH CST 45Z Comm Contract All 801-587-6667 45329
NRH CST 45Z Invest In Plant 801-587-6844 45903
NRH CST 45Z Medicaid Cont All 801-587-6667 45331
NRH CST 45Z Medicaid Pmt Proc 801-587-6667 45333
NRH CST 45Z Medicare Contr All 801-587-6667 45330
NRH CST 45Z Medicare Pmt Proc 801-587-6667 45332
NRH CST 45Z PAT PMT Clearing 801-587-6667 45030
NRH CST 45Z Patient Accts Rec 801-587-6667 45327
NRH CST 45Z Uncoll Accts BdClr 801-587-6667 45339
NRH CST 45Z Uncoll Accts Recov 801-587-6667 45338
NRH CST 45Z Uncoll Accts Recov 801-587-6667 45337
NRH CST 4A Administration 801-585-2308 45000
NRH DED 45A Bad Debt Exp 801-587-6667 45318
NRH DED 45A Charity Adjustment 801-587-6667 45326
NRH DED 45A Ded From Rev 801-587-6667 45325
NRH ENT 45A Miners Hosp 801-585-2308 45031
NRH ENT 45A Rehab Trails Prgm 801-587-3378 45029
NRH Executive Director not available 99140
NRH IPC 11C Pharmacy IP 801-585-0509 45271
NRH IPC 45A Acute Shared Exp 801-646-8801 45042
NRH IPC 45A ACUTE THERAPY 801-587-3378 45041
NRH IPC 45A Inpatient 3 801-646-8901 45020
NRH IPC 45A Inpatient 4 801-581-2270 45021
NRH IPC 45A Inpatient 5 801-646-8901 45022
NRH IPC 45A LongTermMonitoring 801-581-2270 45019
NRH OPC 45A OP Social Srvcs 801-646-8815 45033
NRH OPC 45A Outpatient Therapy 801-585-5323 45026
NRH OPC 45A PM&R Clinic 801-581-2267 45025
NRH RET 45A NCS Summit Cafe 801-581-2203 45009
NRH RET 45A NCS Coffee Shop 801-581-2935 45010
Nursing Administration not available 00669
NURSING EDUCATION FUND not available 91404
Nursing Services not available 52310
NUTRITION not available 00230
Nutrition & Integrative Physio 801-581-6730 00200
Nutrition Care Service not available 00585
Nutrition Care Services 801-581-2203 52410
NUTRITION CARE SERVICES (801) 581-5474 99058
NUTRITION SERVICES not available 91530